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About BNS Construction

Built with skill. Built with honesty. Built by BNS Construction.

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BNS Construction: Making a change, brick by brick.

After working in the construction industry for over 15 years with various contractors, Ben Stenaj, the founder and CEO of BNS Construction Ltd, concluded that a distinct new approach needed to be taken in order to dispell the ‘cowboy’ reputation of the industry.

Our Vision

BNS Construction Ltd was created with the sole vision of combining outstanding building services with exceptional customer service, where our customers are regularly briefed throughout the course of their project and where costs are clearly explained.

Invest In BNS

Investing in your property by making improvements should be an enjoyable process; share your vision with us and we’ll take care of making all the changes, brick by brick.

Our Top Services



Make the most of your property by encompassing vacant space into the heart of your home.


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Loft Conversions

Move up not out! Transform a simple storage space into a more useful solution for a growing family.


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Complete Renovation

Invigorate your home and bring it back to life with a team that pays attention to the final flourishes.

What We Can Do For You.

Below are a list of services we offer.


New Built Home

Complete Renovation

Basement Conversion

Plumbing & Electricity

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